Hello, Teachers and Librarians!
I’m an author who also wears a teacher’s hat: I taught both elementary and pre-school-age children for several years before choosing to write full-time. My B.A. is in Education; I have an AMI-Primary Diploma from the Montessori Institute of San Diego; and I’m currently finishing up my M.Ed. at Loyola University, Maryland. I’ve spent the last 30+ years working with children and young adults in a variety of settings – so I understand how complicated, exhausting and exhilarating a teaching career can be. I hope the materials, below, will help make that job a little easier and, perhaps, a teensy bit more fun.
Educationally yours,

Teacher's Guides
Using Lee Wardlaw’s Books in the Classroom
Cross-curriculum guides that include web links, resources, thematic activities and discussion topics, are available for Lee’s books listed below. Educators may reproduce these guides for classroom use without permission from the author.
101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher - A guide by Lee Wardlaw, featuring the following themes:
- Unusual Careers
- Inventors & Inventing
- Egyptian Culture, History & Customs
- Conflict Resolution
- Gifted Children
- The Creative Process/Writer’s Block
- Family Dynamics
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Critical/Analytical Thinking Skills
- Science; Science Fairs
101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher - A Teacher’s Guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist.
Features an author interview, discussion questions, and activities for language arts, math, science, and history.
101 Ways to Bug Your Parents: - A Teacher’s Guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist.
Features a discussion guide and activities for health, conflict resolution, language arts, math, science and drama.Themes for this book include:
- Inventors & Inventing
- Creative Writing (emphasis on non-fiction)
- Ebb& Flow of Friendships
- Loss of a Parent
- Effective communication skills/conflict resolution
- Hypochondria
- Gifted Children
- Free Speech
- Bullies
- Money-making projects
101 Ways to Bug Your Friends and Enemies - A guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist, with additions by Lee Wardlaw.
Features an author interview, discussion guide, further reading, and activities for language arts (including dialect & slang), history, health, science, art, poetry. Themes include:
- Bullies
- Inventors & Inventing
- Friendships
- First Love; Unrequited Love
- Cyrano de Bergerac
- Coming of age
- Martial Arts
- Gifted Children
- Self-confidence
- Individuality
- Sibling rivalry
Won Ton - A Cat Tale Told in Haiku - A guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist, with additions by Lee Wardlaw
Features an author interview, discussion guide, an activities for reading/story telling; writing; math; art; science, community service; poetry/haiku. Themes include:
- Cats
- Adoption
- Families
- Pet Care
- Poetry
- Friendship
NEW! Won Ton and Chopstick – A Cat and Dog Tale Told in Haiku - A guide written by Marcie Colleen, educator.
Created in conjunction with current Common Core standards in ELA, math, science, social studies, art, and drama. Offers activities designed to help teachers integrate Won Ton and Chopstick into the curricula for grades K-4th. Includes extension activities to connect and explore Won Ton – A Cat Tale Told in Haiku. Book themes include:
- Cats and Dogs
- Sibling Rivalry
- Adoption
- Pet Care
- Friendship
- Poetry
Punia and the King of Sharks: - A guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist.
Featuring pre-reading questions, discussion guide, and activities for language arts, reading, math, history, geography, art, music, dance and science. Themes include:
- Hawaiian history, culture & customs
- Families
- Bravery
- Trickster tales/folklore
- Heroes
- Surfing
- Hawaiian botony, biology, zoology
Dinosaur Pizza: A guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist.
Features pre-reading questions, discussion guide, and projects for language arts, math, art, health, science and “just for fun!”
Themes include:
- Friendship/friends moving away
- Nutrition
- Creativity
- Loneliness
- Peer pressure
- A recipe for ‘Dinosaur Pizza’
Bubblemania: The Chewy History of Bubble Gum: An extensive, chapter-by-chapter curriculum guide, written by Sherry Park, Library Media Specialist. Features thematic activities for language arts, science, social studies, math, business, world history and more.
Corey's Fire: -A guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist, with additions by Lee Wardlaw.
Features pre-reading activities, discussion questions, and projects for language arts, math/economics, science, natural history, music and drama. Themes include:
- Firestorms
- Loss of a home/neighborhood
- Friendship
- Coming of age
- Independence
- Resiliency in the face of disaster
Seventh-Grade Weirdo – a guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist, with additions by Lee Wardlaw.
Features a discussion guide and literary links, as well as activities for reading/writing, math, art, drama, conflict resolution, history, etc. Themes include:
- Bullies
- American history
- Coming of age
- Gifted children
- Sibling rivalry
- Game inventions
- Children’s books
- Parents’ careers
- Peer pressure
- Start middle school/junior high
- First love
Red, White and Boom! - a guide by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer, reading specialist; and Lee Wardlaw, M.Ed.
Features discussion questions, flag maze, word search puzzle, and literary links; also activities for math, arts & crafts, music, science, and cooking.
Suitable for students ages 2 and up.
Themes include:
- American history
- National Celebrations
- Multicultural costumes and customs
- Phonemic Awareness
- Poetry
- Family and Friends
- Summer Activities
- A recipe for Colonial Hasty Pudding
* * * * *
Lee’s Hand-outs
How to Host a Successful Author Visit at Your School
Sample School Visit Schedule
Lee’s Bio
Lee’s Books
Lee’s Awards & Honors
Fun Facts About Lee
Lee’s Online Interviews & Articles
Author Visit Activities
Question Suggestions for Class Discussions
Recommended Books for Educators
Markets for Young Writers
Tips for Writing to Authors & Illustrators
Recommended Blogs & Websites
Teaching Haiku in the Classroom
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