Featuring poems written by
75 of today’s best children’s poets,
including three ‘catku’ by Lee Wardlaw
International Reading Association
Reading Today Online:
“…highly-addictive…find a place for this book on
your desk since you’ll be turning to it time and
time again. You may even want two copies, one
for your students and one for your own use.”
The Poetry Friday Anthology offers a set of 36
poems for each grade level, K-5 (a poem-a-week
for the nine months of the typical school year).
The Poetry Friday Anthology makes it easy for you
to take five minutes every Friday to share and
explore a poem, connecting it with children's lives,
capitalizing on a teachable moment, even
reinforcing a language skill. The Poetry Friday
Anthology is a simple and effective way to infuse
poetry into your current teaching practice.

To order:
Meet the TPFA Poets!
Poetry for Children Blog